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Friday, May 22, 2020

The 13 Stages of Payday

The 13 Stages of Payday Payday is the best day of any working individuals month its a reward for being you, especially if youve  worked extra hard. Youve put in all those hours, all that blood, sweat and tears, and youve made it to one of the most exciting parts of the month. Throughout the build up, during and after we all feel the same set of feelings, when it comes to getting paid. Here are the 13 stages of payday: 1) Creeping through the last days before you get paid: Before payday, comes no-pay-week. https://twitter.com/toomanynovels/status/786103369719046145 Your friends want to go out and  get turnt, but you have 10p to your name. All you can afford is some Lidl pasta, not a few vodkas, and you really want to buy that new coat in the shop you saw yesterday. You cancel plans because you need the money for bus fare to work, and you make lunches from all the food you find in the back of the cupboard. 2) Waking up knowing that its finally arrived: IT is here. PAYDAY IS HERE!!! ?????????? Kirsty Leanne (@Kirstiie_Leanne) October 25, 2016 IT. Paydays finally arrived. Thank god ???? Steven Quinn (@Stevenn_Quinn) December 31, 2015 Payday has arrived. Your bank account is saved, and you are saved from failure. You can finally eat, pay for your car and buy all those clothes and goodies youve waited for a long time to purchase. 3) Waiting for your pay to drop into the  bank: Is the clock broken? What time do I get paid? Shiane?? (@shiglizzyyy) April 6, 2016 Is time going backwards? WHY ARE MINUTES SO SLOW? Youre bored of waiting, so you start making an Amazon wish list of all your purchases. 4) When your company  pays you: You work for them, but when your company pays you for the many hours youve spent in their office, you feel like theyre doing you a massive favour and they are. Getting paid is the best feeling. 5) SO MUCH MONEY: You count it all, really slowly. Too many notes. 6) Celebrating the fact you just got paid: Pop that champagne, lets celebrate! https://twitter.com/Summer_Seirra/status/779068549398614016 WE JUST GOT PAID. Whats first on your list of items to buy? 7) Making it rain: Youve been paid and youve got buckets of money, so you walk into the pub where all your friends are waiting. JAGER BOMBS FOR EVERYONE! 8) That thing  is YOURS: Youve waited for months, youve seen it in every shop and now you can purchase it and put it in your room/wardrobe/house. https://twitter.com/JacoboTheHobo_/status/746373262385385472 Whatever it may be, you go and celebrate it finally being yours. 9) EVERYTHING IS YOURS: Jacket. Meal. Car. House. Everything is now yours because you have money, and lots of it. 10) Realisation sinks in: Uh oh, your bank account wasnt actually that full. You didnt have that much money. You havent paid any bills yet. Whoops. Seriously dont understand how people can afford to do everything! Legit just got paid and your lucky if I can afford a penny sweet Kimberleyymcnamara (@kimberleyx3x) October 28, 2016 11) Your bills  takes a large chunk: Yep, its mostly gone. Your phone bill is ten times the size due to calling abroad ten times a day. Your rent has taken 50%. Your car is costing you 40%. Soon, youll have -25% worth of your pay. 12) You check your bank balance: Where did it all go? Yay, I got paid. Wait, wheres all my money gone? feylya (@feylya) January 29, 2016 How did it all go so quickly? 13) Back to having no money: Youre poor. I JUST got paid and I already have no money. #adulting ???? (@shlbybby) August 26, 2016 The cycle starts again. Oh, to be an adult. RELATED: 10 Tricks to Getting a Higher Salary

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