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Sunday, April 12, 2020

When Your Personal Brand Outshines The Corporate Brand - Work It Daily

When Your Personal Brand Outshines The Corporate Brand - Work It Daily Does your personal brand outshine your company's brand? It’s happening, and more common than anyone wants to admit. As the concept and importance of personal branding, social media, and an online presence becomes more common place, companies are becoming more interested in the brands of their employees. Their concerns are legitimate. Here’s why... Risk: Legal risk and perceived risk for the company, and its own brand. These are just two things that concern bosses, executives, and your company’s legal team. Ignorance: Companies are scared and ignorant to how an employee’s personal brand can help elevate or benefit the company’s brand. Fear: Similar to ignorance, companies are scared. Maybe they or a company they know has been burned before. Unfortunately, companies react by creating policies, protocol, and procedures based on past experiences and perceived risk. Control: This is your companies biggest fear. They are fearful of social media and the freedom it gives you to speak your mind while being electronically and publicly stored forever. Social media gives everyone a platform to clear the air. While companies and the court look to find a common ground in the world of social media, personal branding, and the concept of microcelebrity, here are some things you can do to ensure your own personal brand doesn’t outshine your employer’s brand. Have A Plan Know your strategy and how you plan on going about developing your brand. What is your goal and what does your brand look like? This will help you clearly define yourself and able to articulate just who you are. Because as your personal brand grows people take note, and articulating it clearly is half the battle. Be Upfront With yourself, your audience, and possibly your current employer. Research your company’s communications, social media, and electronic policies prior to developing your personal branding strategy. Keep copies of these documents and policies for yourself to reference, just in case. Get It In Writing If and when you do come clean with your employer (and I believe you should), get written evidence the meeting and discussion actually occurred. This could be in the form of an electronic e-mail recap or signed statement. I also recommend you put your own thoughts onto paper and write a statement that outlines what took place in the discussion. You are able to reference the document, the date, and what your conversation included just in case. Sell Yourself Sell yourself and how your brand can help not hurt the company you work for. Find ways to work together and be an advocate for them. Demonstrate your value and align yourself within the organization as someone who can assist and highlight the company’s brand. Develop relationships with PR and Marketing so their expertise and influence can work in your favor. Think you are immune to the possibility? Think again. Drive conversations, set boundaries with your company and build a bridge. Don’t let your personal brand outshine your corporate’s brand. Photo Credit: Shutterstock Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!

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