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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Sorry, but these 5 words, you like, really, kind of overuse

Sorry, but these 5 rogers, you like, really, kind of overuseSorry, but these 5 words, you like, really, kind of overuseTBH, IRL, do you, OMG, like, believe what other people say?Abbreviations and shorthands in text messages and unfiltered speech with your best friends are fine metrics of communication. But in the workplace? Its not every breath you take - but every word you iterate that shapes how others perceive you. Corporate culture expert and author Lior Arussy stresses the importance of choosing your language carefully - whether its via email, in person or in a late-night or a last-minute iMessage exchange over a client brief with your manager.Always ask yourself what emotions am I trying to evoke? And what action do I seek people to take? You will discover that some of your language choices are counterproductive to what you are trying to achieve, he explains. If you want to be understood and drive actions, choose your language carefully. Keep it simple and inviting. Welcome p eople to the conversation so they will in return accept the challenge of execution.Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.Though training your tongue will take some time - especially if youve never edited yourself before - you can get started with these overused words. According to career experts, they have no place in your office or inboxJustCareer expert and founder of BossinHeels Heather Monahan challenges professionals to look at these two sentences I was just thinking that it might be worth giving this a shot? and This is worth giving a shot.The latter speaks to mora confidence and inspires you to trust the opinion of the speaker, right? Monahan says when you implement the word just, you lose your power - and oftentimes, your audience. Just is used to soften a blow or to put a toe in the water when someone doesnt feel fully committed and this takes your strength away from you r request or statement, she explains.Thats why you shouldnt just drop it, but stop using it ASAP.LikeWhen you were applying for college or prepping for your first job interviews, did your go-to mentor encourage you to slow down on your responses? Its a common method that many utilize, since the faster you speed through speech, the more likely you are to add in filler words.Executive coach and leadership coach Libby Gill says too often, professionals rush to demonstrate their brilliance that they end up stumbling over their language. When this happens, many subconsciously use filler words - including like, umm, ah, and you know? - to give their brain time to catch up to their lips.Instead of racing to be the first to chime in, give yourself a pause so you can come prepared to share your point.StrategyUnlike frivolous, meaningless words that add little value to your paragraphs, Arussy says many professionals overuse strategy as an umbrella term to explain, well, anything. While many start-up content consultancy companies, web designers, graphic arts specialists and SEO managers turn to strategy to describe their talents, it doesnt always accurately describe their true talents.This is why Arussy motivates professionals to be clear and specific about the services and skills theyre offering, instead of lumping everything under a single word.The main purpose of an organization is simple to engage and retain customers, so stop turning every initiative into a strategy. Contextualize what you are trying to achieve in the greater objective of the organization, he says. We need less strategies and more execution.Low hanging fruitIn creative writing, idioms, buzzwords and relatable examples draw in readers and hold their attention. But in business, Gill says these go-to phrases can discount your intelligence. These are those annoying workplace tics that are used so frequently theyve become meaningless. Related to clichs, they are specific to the workplace, overused, and often found in Dilbert cartoons, she says.Some examples might include lets drill down, Ill circle back, we need disruption, or were looking for a low-hanging fruit. Unlike prepping for an interview where you aim to throw specific keywords or tidbits of the company or interviewer into a conversation to illustrate you did your research, business meetings are more productive with tangible discussions.Instead of saying youll circle back on a conversation, write down the questions that need to be answered and provide a detailed report of next steps. This shows youre not only aware of how to finish a project, but youre committed to doing it - and not merely using colorful language to push someone off.SorryThough women are guiltier of over-apologizing than men, fruchtwein professionals overuse the my bad mentality according to Monahan. This brings negative attention to your performance and exercises a persona of shame you might not identify with. In the workplace, there are many times th at someone is running late or misses a deadline and the go-to for everyone is Im sorry. this gets thrown around so often that many people begin apologizing for things that arent their fault, she explains.A fix to practice is shifting from Im sorry to thank you - which Monahan explains moves you past the shortcoming and focuses on the solution. If you are late for a meeting and you arrive thanking everyone for their patience, you send a much more powerful statement. If you make a mistake with a client instead of saying Im sorry again why not thank them for their understanding, she says.

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