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Santa Clause Claus Secrets to Being a Professional Santa Ed Taylor unearthed turning into an expert Santa Claus. In 2002, a companion ...

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Got a Job Interview Research the Right Things or Fumble That Interview

Got a Job Interview Research the Right Things or Fumble That Interview Job Search: What Happened to Process and Organization? Anne Harper entered Richard’s office eager to share how qualified she was for his job offering. She was one of five selected to interview out of 52 applicants. Anne had the skills and qualifications on paper and presented herself well face-to-face in the first three minutes. Richard was positively predisposed. After the social warm-up, the first question he asked her was, “Please describe the job that we are interviewing for today so I can clarify any areas.” What Anne did: Stumbled. She could not articulate the primary roles and responsibilities. She made up information on the fly and did not even have a copy of Richard’s job description with her. What Anne could have done: Pulled out the printed job description from her neatly organized research, placed it on the table, and summarized the 3 key points that she had written on the document or in separate notes. This would demonstrate she had studied it and extracted some key insights. What Richard expected: A high level overview that demonstrated that Anne understood what he wanted. Richard would have been fine with Anne saying that she had some questions but that this was her best understanding at that time (humility is good). Richard would have also been fine with notes in front of Anne. It would have demonstrated that she took time to prepare. The second question Richard asked Anne was: “What do you know about my company and my team, division, or organization?” What Anne did: Stumbled again. She could not describe the industry, what Richard’s company sold to what type of customer (service or product), how they were different from their competition, or the various divisions that comprised the company. More importantly, she was unable to talk about Richard’s division within the company, even though that information was widely available on the web. What Anne could have done: Anne should have gone to Richard’s website, read their About section, and much more. She could have printed key pages to bring in with her to show she did her research. She could have written out a brief bullet-point list of her description based on her research. She could also end her well-done summary with, “I have a question about your division when you have time.” What Richard expected: A decent summary, showing she researched his business. He was looking for not only an understanding but some display of passion, energy, or excitement about what they do. Richard wanted to hire someone who would enjoy the space his company is in. He was also inspecting her ability to synthesize a large amount of data into a summary. Again, Richard would have been fine if Anne brought her preparation notes in with her. Within the first 10 minutes, it was clear Anne had not done any research on Richard’s business, industry, or customers that the role supported. You can guess the result. Anne did not get hired. Get a copy of my book, Cut the Crap, Get a Job! here https://www.danamanciagli.com/book/ and avoid situations that are guaranteed to sabotage your odds of getting a job in today’s highly competitive job market.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Let People Know Youre Human - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Tell People Youre Human - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career A week ago, I was nearly completed the process of preparing to go out with companions when I had a snapshot of unadulterated horror. Not the sort from startling films, the sort of awfulness that possibly happens when you look in the mirror 10 minutes before a companion should get you and understand your hair is purple. Prior that day, Id had a splendid thought in the shower and ran out (with purple conditioner in hair) to record it before rinsing. That (obviously) was a BAD thought. In this way, with a companion due to show up at any second, I ran back to the shower and frantically attempted to fix the calamity on my head. I just made one stop in transit: to convey a snappy tweet about it. For what reason did I do that? Not on the grounds that I record each second of my life on Twitter (I dont). I did it in light of the fact that incidentally biting the dust my hair purple is pretty darn silly and I figured somebody would most likely get a kick out of it. (And they did!) Be genuine be you Such a significant number of individuals out there attempt to be so immaculate on the web. They keep their online profiles clean of any conceivably implicating subtleties and go over everything multiple times before they hit publish. They artificially glamorize their online persona and keep up the expert facade at all times.I can comprehend that. With such a great amount of possibly in question, you need your online nearness to be as movement handout flawless as possible. No filthy pools or overcast skies, correct? But nobody really is great. We as a whole have terrible hair days and failures. We all state an inappropriate thing now and again, and make turmoil. Everybody realizes that flawlessness is a fantasy. Presently, Im not advising you to go wild and hang your grimy clothing all over your site or Facebook profile. We dont need to see the image of you chugging lager at a school fraternity party without your garments on. And it is anything but a smart thought to totally take out the reprimand from your writings. You despite everything do must have regard for your own image. Yet, you ought to concede youre human on the web. Dont be reluctant to set up pictures of yourself out with companions or doused in sweat subsequent to completing your first (or 43rd) triathlon. Talk about your mistake and commend your triumphs. Also, unquestionably giggle at yourself when you accomplish something unbelievably ludicrous, for example, unintentionally shading your hair purple. Sharing more is true This wont annihilate your own image. In my encounters, sharing a greater amount of yourself will really support it! From all I post on the web, I get the best reactions when I let individuals in. They giggle when I inadvertently color my hair, or get confounded requesting pizza in a bizarre land and end up with hot peppers rather than pepperoni. They cheer with me when something extraordinary occurs, and loan bolster when Im making some hard memories. Individuals like what I compose however they love my accounts and the impressions I give them into my life. Its those individual contacts that truly bring them into my blog, and get the chance to recollect me. What's more, from what Ive seen with different bloggers who fuse their lives into their expert blogging, it works for them as well. At the point when you let individuals in, you dont fundamentally need to share the dumb things you do. Particularly in the event that you dont summon Murphys Law as much as I do. In any case, do share what makes you human. Give your blog a few components of your character, let individuals see some progressively easygoing photographs and let them realize that youre human. Do this since when individuals really recruit, they dont work with your finely-artificially glamorized continue. They work with you. So let them comprehend what they can anticipate. Creator: Katie Konrath expounds on innovativeness, advancement and thoughts so new… they ought to be slapped! at www.getFreshMinds.com.

Friday, July 10, 2020

When Can I Retire 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

When Can I Retire 4 Questions to Ask Yourself When would i be able to resign? Its an inquiry on numerous people groups minds. About each working proficient anticipates retirement. This adjustment in way of life implies your center can move from acquiring a pay to receiving the rewards of all your hard work. It implies exchanging meeting rooms, spreadsheets, and introductions for greens and sea shore apartment suites. It implies investigating your inclinations and rediscovering your interests without agonizing over the cash youre earning.Retirement is an irrefutably advancing period of life. Be that as it may, so as to augment these years, its basic to plan as far as funds, day to day environments, and different needs and make a strong retirement plan. Here re are a few inquiries to enable you to choose what the correct retirement age and year are for youand when you can begin receiving the rewards of all your difficult work and long stretches of service.Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Retire1. What Is My Life Expectancy?Whe n getting ready for retirement, you should begin by considering to what extent you hope to live and to what extent youd like to utilize your retirement benefits. Recollect that you can start gathering your Social Security benefits at age 62, however in the event that you hold up until full retirement age, 66, youll gather more every month and year. On the off chance that you hold up past full retirement age up to 70, youll gather even more.Of course, numerous components will add to your life expectancy, for example, medicinal services, hereditary qualities, work out, nourishment, crime percentages, prior conditions, sexual orientation, and mishaps or injuriesand its difficult to foresee life span. In any case, as per Geoba.se, insights point to Americans arriving at the age of 79 by and large, a figure you should remember when taking a shot at your retirement figurings. Your own family ancestry should design a factor in your retirement arranging as well.It sounds sullen, yet this is a truly significant decision on my retirement plan computations. It influences to what extent you should hold up until drawing Social Security. On the off chance that you get a benefits or annuity, it can influence on the off chance that you pick one with a superior survivor advantage, said Micah Fraim, a CPA in Roanoke, Va. What's more, the amount of a savings you have to stockpile is generally predicated on the quantity of years you will live in retirement. A future of 95 years of age will require a considerable amount a bigger number of investment funds than a future of 60.2. For What Expenses Do I Need to Plan?As of 2018, the evaluated normal that retirees in the United States get in their government managed savings check every month is $1,406.91. Without a pay to expand this, Social Security alone isn't sufficient to cover your costs all through the retirement years.For this explanation, its pivotal to keep up a spending plan, so you can live in comfort while subsidizing those fantasies that helped you through the nine-to-five pound. In this way, consider all your everyday costs, for example, contract, home fixes, utilities, medical coverage and care, goods, vehicles, protection, and crises while computing your essential retirement pay. Make certain to think about startling costs also. For instance, about 20% of all Medicare recipients have a Medicare supplement intend to pay for care not secured by health care coverage, so consider whether you may require that also. At that point figure your retirement reserve funds, 401k or IRA, and speculations after expense reasonings. This can assist you with working inside your methods during your retirement years.3. What Are My Goals During Retirement?Retirement benefits stretch out past being going to utilize your Social Security advantages and retirement reserve funds. Being resigned is a significant achievement and custom of-passageyou go through decades working and gaining cash to arrive at this period of life , so you should appreciate it. Consider your principle objectives and targets for this next section, and organize how you need to invest this recently discovered free energy as a significant piece of your retirement planning.Is your objective to turn into a voyager and investigate various corners of the world? Is it true that you are making arrangements of expected spots to resign? It is safe to say that you are keen on learning new side interests, chipping in the network, or extending your groups of friends? Would you like to draw nearer to your youngsters and grandchildren?Now that your center doesnt should be vocation situated, turn your consideration toward whatever youre enthusiastic about and make an arrangement for how to structure these brilliant years. You may even need to find low maintenance line of work to remain occupied and accomplish something you havent had the option to do in the past.4. What In My Lifestyle Can Be Simplified?One of the most freeing pieces of retire ment is grasping moderation, which gives you the space, opportunity, and data transmission to keep life increasingly straightforward. You dont need to cleanse yourself of everything, except make time to clean up your home and either give, sell or dispose of those assets you do not require anymore. When in doubt, in the event that the thing has no useful capacity or nostalgic worth, at that point its not filling a valuable need anymore.In expansion, to figuring out mess, you may likewise need to think about scaling back to a house with less area and a negligible yard. Retirement ought not be committed to home support and garden upkeep. Also, scaling back can diminish by and large lodging costs.When Can I Retire?Answering these inquiries altogether and reasonably can give a system to help decide your retirement age and course of events. The objective is to move toward these years without the pressure of accounts approaching overhead, so you can seek after the regions of intrigue that you never set aside a few minutes for. So plan for progress and get ready for a future that is pleasant, laidback, and brimming with experience, as well!

Friday, July 3, 2020

Whats your word for 2019 - Wolfgang Career Executive Coaching

Whats your word for 2019 - Wolfgang Career Executive Coaching Hello and happy New Year! Every year, we ask our clients and our coaches to pick a single word to set their intentions for the year. Some of the words we heard from clients and coaches are: create, growth, abundance, vitality and more. For 2019, we chose a word for our company as well and that word is IMPACT. It’s through this lens that we’re looking forward to the year to come and the foundation we’re building to make an impact. For those of you who have followed Wolfgang Career Coaching over the last 9+ years we thank you! Over this time, we are grateful to have had the opportunity to partner with thousands of you to help you realize more fulfillment in your lives and careers, navigate your career transitions and grow in your leadership. Your stories inspire and motivate us to work harder so please continue to reach out and share! Wed love to know what your word for 2019 is! Use the comments below to share your word and its significance. Make an impact If you’re not aware, way back in 2014, we launched our sister business, Coaching 4 Good to offer leadership and career development services within organizations. It was a natural evolution for us as we continue expanding how we make an impact! Over the last five years we have worked with some incredible change makers, leaders and organizations. One highlight was a six-month leadership development program we developed and launched at a Fortune 50 company that took two groups of leaders on a transformational journey to unleash their potential. As of today, weve taken 45 leaders through the program! We are humbled to be part of their courageous journey that resulted in a group of authentic, compassionate and connected leaders. We’ll be sharing the survey results and the impact they’ve created in their careers, lives and organization soon. Another highlight was leading a team retreat using the Dare to LeadTM framework. Its a great story! Please reach out if you’d like to learn more about our programs led by a certified Dare to LeadTM facilitator. Empower human potential Our collective purpose in all we do is to empower the human potential that ignites a positive impact in the lives, careers, organizations and communities we work with. We know that the work we do with individuals and in organizations goes hand-in-hand. The central focus is on owning your impact whether in your career or your leadership, or both! Now that you have the background on why we decided to expand how we make an impact, lets talk about what this means for you! Heres a little preview: In the coming months we’ll be merging Wolfgang Career Coaching into Coaching 4 Good and launching a fresh new brand and website! This means continued tips and advice on how to be an authentic leader on top of the award-winning career development resources we share. We will continue to offer the same career coaching services along with our executive coaching and leadership development services for individuals and organizations. Reach out to learn more! Our coaching collectives features certified Dare to Leadtm facilitators and we are currently booking workshops and speaking engagements for 2019. We’ll continue as the exclusive partner to The University of Texas Alumni Association â€" The Texas Exes. Did you know that members get premier discounts on both individual services and business services? Call us at 512-850-4425 to chat about it! Our #1 purpose as a business is to have a positive impact. In order to expand our reach and make an impact, we’ll be adding some more amazing executive leadership and career coaches into our coaching collective to work alongside our team of current amazing coaches. Did I mention our coaches are amazing? Check them out! Own your career and impact To help shed light on how you can own your career, your leadership, your impact, weve written two guides to help career-focused audience and our leadership-focused audience start their journey of transformation. These are free downloadable ebooks that explain the fundamental concepts, give you self-paced exercises and teach you how to interpret your results. Own Your Impact: Developing Leaders with Clarity, Courage, Compassion and Connection For those who want to develop the potential in people or processes, or who manage people, or lead organizations: This ebook takes you through the steps of improving your ability to lead and influence by understanding who you are and how to release your full potential. Download now. Own Your Career: How to Design Rewarding Fulfilling Careers For those who are looking to advance their career, land a new job or find a career that makes them happy and rewards them handsomely: This is a series of instructional emails that accompany the ebook. Get started now. Whether you download one or both of our ebooks, you can schedule a free initial consultation to discuss what you uncovered from the material and exercises. Were continually pushing ourselves to offer innovative services in order to make an impact and expand who we can help. What we know, personally, is that innovation is vulnerable, exciting, fulfilling and takes courage. The effort is worth it because the ultimate result is making a positive impact by being in alignment with your purpose and intentions. We’re living it here at Coaching 4 Good and we’re here to support you on your journey. Sending warm wishes for a happy and impactful new year to you!